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Dr. Victoria M. Austin

Dr. Victoria M. Austin is a Navy veteran, an entrepreneur, conference speaker, prophetic teacher, and spiritual Advisor to Pastors, business leaders, psalmists and minstrels. As a Chief Intercessor and Kingdom Strategist, Dr. Austin is graced with a strong apostolic, prophetic, and teaching anointing. God has mandated her to go out and help others recover everything that has been strategically taken from them; their joy, their peace, their love, their families, and their desire to live abundantly! A forerunner, radio personality, and conference host, Dr. Austin is sought after on an international level to inspire and activate believers of all ages. 


Along with her husband, Isaac Austin III, who serves as her source of counsel and covering, Dr. Austin established Free to Be Victorious Ministries (F2BV) in 2013. The mandate of F2BV ministries, is to arm individuals with the resources they need to walk in liberty in every area of the lives, helping to bring them to the understanding, that “whom the Son has set free is free indeed” according John 8:36. Under this ministry, the following subsidiaries operate; Diamonds in the Rough (DITR), Godly Wives Institute of Learning, The Master’s Touch International Outreach Ministries (TMTIOM), and Women on the Frontline (WOTFL). 


In 2017, Dr. Austin established Victoria Austin Ministries (VAM) to represent a collective effort of partners, families, and communities from around the world. VAM seeks to equip, empower, encourage, and promote healthy, spiritual living in all facets of life, with a “Free to Be Victorious” (F2BV) mindset.


Additionally, Dr. Austin has taken on the mandate, according to Titus 2, “to teach the younger women how to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.” She is being called upon to teach and conduct seminars and workshops on how to become a Godly Wife. 


In 2018, Dr. Austin and her husband transitioned from Tennessee to Florida. Not fully understanding the purpose for this move, they just wanted to obey God. What they did not understand was God was removing them from the “light” in order to prepare them in “darkness” for their next Kingdom assignment. This process was not easy, but God has continued to prove Himself. Within six months of moving to Florida, Dr. Austin underwent brain surgery. She asked for a supernatural recovery, and that is exactly what she received! 


During her recovery, Dr. Austin was able to complete the educational and ministerial requirements to obtain her Doctor of Ministry degree from Levites Theological Seminary and College, as well as, her Master’s degree in Christian Studies from Union University. Dr. Austin also holds an honorary Doctor of Philanthropic Studies from Ya’al School of Economy and Leadership. Along with these accomplishments, Dr. Austin has authored two books: “A Cup of Morning Brew: A Spiritual Jumpstart for the Day Ahead” as well as “A Cup of Morning Brew: The Leaders Edition.” Dr. Austin is currently working on two book projects; "The Shepherdess: Lessons Earned and Learned as a Pastor", as well as, "Navigating Transition: Preparing for Your Next-Now Assignment."


Grateful to be alive and well, Dr. Austin enjoys living life along with her husband, their children, and grandchildren.

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